How to Install Ngrok in Termux

Installation of Ngrok in Termux

 Creating Ngrok Account

Step 1: Visit Ngrok Website

Step 2: Click on signup and create a new account

Step 3: Download ngrok zip file (Note : Download Linux (ARM))

Step 4: Open file manager and check in download folder for ngrok-v3-stable-linux-                        amd64.tgz

Setup Ngrok in termux

Step 1: Open Termux

Step 2: termux-setup-storage (Allow access to storage)

Step 3: ls

Step 4: cd storage

Step 5: ls

Step 6: cd downloads

Step 7: ls

Step 8: unzip ngrok-v3-stable-linux-amd64.tgz

Step 9: mv ngrok /$HOME

Step 10: cd --

Step 11: ls

Step 12: chmod +x ngrok

Step 13: ls

Step 14: ./ngrok authtoken (authtoken code given in ngrok dashboard) 

                eg: ./ngrok authtoken 18a3eJ27HMjUB7PxwA54xR66xrj_4236kJ7Gqh8mnQjwizjqW

Running Ngrok in termux

Step 1: Turn on Hotspot

Step 2: ./ngrok http (local port number)

             eg: ./ngrok http 80

Step 3: ngrok port started in your termux
